What Public Courses Do You Offer?

We offer nationally accredited Provide CPR and Provide First Aid courses online and face-to-face, plus electrical first aid training and multi-day advanced courses. We also offer Mental Health First Aid and Tactical First Aid based on demand

Basic First Aid

We offer public basic first aid nationally online via Teams and at all of our public training facilities. Our face to Face training is offered as either a standard ½ - 1 day course or Express 1-3hr course.  
  • HLTAID009 - Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. 
    • This course teaches you how to perform CPR in accordance with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) guidelines.

  • HLTAID011 - Provide First Aid.
    • This course provides the skills and knowledge required to administer first aid response in a variety of situations, including community and workplace settings.

  • HLTAID012 - Provide First Aid in an Education and Care Setting.
    • This course equips you to provide first aid to infants, children, and adults in an education and care environment, covering specific scenarios relevant to these settings.

PASS (Progressive Advanced Skill Set)

Our innovative Progressive Advanced Skill Set (PASS) training program is an intensive four-day series of Advanced First Aid courses covering units HLTAID013 to HLTAID016 and PUAEME008 - Provide Pain Management. These courses can be taken individually or together to form a comprehensive first response skill set, designed to prepare you for a wide range of emergency interventions.  

  • HLTAID013 - Provide First Aid in a Remote or Isolated Environment
    • This course equips you to deliver first aid in remote or isolated settings where medical assistance is delayed or inaccessible.

  • HLTAID014 - Provide Advanced First Aid
    • This course provides comprehensive skills to perform advanced first aid, manage incidents, and coordinate other first aiders until professional help arrives.

  • HLTAID015 - Provide Advanced Resuscitation and Oxygen Therapy
    • This course teaches advanced resuscitation techniques, including the use of oxygen therapy equipment and airway management devices.

  • HLTAID016 - Manage First Aid Services and Resources
    • This course prepares you to manage first aid services and resources within a workplace, including risk assessments and establishing first aid facilities.

  • HLTSS00068 - Occupational First Aid Skill Set
    • This skill set offers an in-depth understanding of occupational first aid, combining advanced first aid, resuscitation, and management of first aid resources.

  • PUAEME008 - Provide Pain Management
    • This course covers the administration of pain-relief medication and techniques in line with medical guidelines and protocols.

Modular Electrical Course - 

Our Modular Electrical Course is a flexible half-day to one-day training program that allows you to mix and match modules to suit your needs. It offers Low Voltage Rescue and/or ESI First Aid, along with either Provide CPR or Provide First Aid, equipping you with essential skills for electrical emergency situations.

  • UETDFFF004/UETDRMP007 - Perform Rescue from a Live Low Voltage Panel
    • This course trains you to safely perform rescues from live low voltage panels using appropriate safety procedures and equipment.

  • UETDRMP010 - Provide first aid in an ESI environment
    • This course equips you to provide first aid specifically within the Electrical Supply Industry (ESI), addressing unique risks and scenarios in that environment.

Course Availability



Nationally Victoria Queensland South Australia
Online St Kilda Geelong Gladstone Townsville Adelaide
Basic First Aid            

Speciality On-Demand Courses

We also offer a number of other courses on-demand including Standard Mental health First Aid and Tactical First aid. Fill in the form below and we will create a wait list to get a course happening. Can't wait? Got a group ready to go? Enquire about a Private Course.